Friday, 10 November 2017

Things to do After Publishing Blog Post

Publishing Blog Post

Writing seo friendly blog post is the prime objective of every blogger, for this he best effort to make his blog post popular. But only publishing blog post is enough for him, or he should to do some other things to promote blog post..? Yes of course, because he needs blog readers, the regular visitors for his blog content. He has to adopt some ways to increase traffic to his blog. 
So you need not to worry because I’ve compiled some conventional along with some other unique ways to get readers and to notify the search engines after publishing blog post.

6 Things to do after Publishing blog post :
The following is the list of those things that a blogger should do after hitting publish to a blog post. You may consider them as a check list, because the more you are in practice to do that the more returning readers you get for your blog.

1- Let Search Engine Knows about your latest Blog Post:
Although the famous search engines will notice the change or update in your blog content or about latest blog posts but still then you should take some steps to notify them about this. For this you may use the followings:
Use Ping services: There is a lot of online ping services available (both free and paid) you can search and submit you blog url easily to them.
Must read: How to notify search engines automatically through Ping services

Submit Sitemap to Famous Search Engines: If you are using Google, Bing or Ask webmaster tools then you need not to worry much, because these search engines have option to through which you can manually submit sitemaps to them. This will notify the search engines and they will soon be updated with you content. There are also many other small search engines that can fetch plenty of traffic to your blog for this you can use Free web submission, Diggza, Add url Free, Add me and much more.
Use RSS Syndication: There are a lot of online web directories available to use your feed as update, you can search and submit the famous list to these RSS web directories.

2- Shorten the blog post url:
With your existing permalink post address, the user may slip or will not to click the url, so a smart idea is to make its short url, so that a reader may click it, just to know what is behind that short url. There are a lot of free online services available to make url shortn like , by choosing these services will also give you tracking of the visitors who used that short url.

3- Share it on the Social Media:
Social media is the most reliable platform whose traffic will not be affected by the Google Algorithm Update. Because the traffic from these sources will not organic. So the most important thing after publishing blog post is to share the content on the famous social media like facebook, twitter, Linkedin, Stumbleupon and etc. The wordpress user can share this with single click by adding some wordpress Plugin. There is also some of the website available online that can provide you the facility to submit url to all famous and important social media sites with one click.
Read Also: How to Successfully Advertise Using Social Media

4- Use The Power Of forums to Spread the words :
There is a huge list of seo forums that can be use to promote your newly published blog post. You may search these forums and find your related blog post, you need is to participate on these forums and share some words about your blog post. This will help to increase blog traffic.

5- Start Blog Commenting:
Make a list of niche related blogs for blog commenting (you may prefer the comment luv enables blogs) and comment them regularly especially when you have published a new blog post. Blog commenting will not only introduce you in your community but will also help to fetch readers to your blog.
Must Read: How To Comment To increase blog traffic and Google Page Rank

6- Add Your Latest Blog Post to Email and News Letter:
If you are using email marketing to promote your content or have some newsletter then do not forget to add your latest blog post link as signature to your email because this is he more frequent way to let other knows about the update of your blog. Be sure to add brief description about the latest blog post.
up to you know: I know there are more to say about the things to do after publishing blog posts, so waiting for your quick response and let readers to know through comments what should be added to make the post more useful.

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Technotrait is a blog about Android, Blogging tips, Computer, How to guide seo, social media, Tech news wordpress 
